The #iamsposaitalia community continues to grow

The #iamsposaitalia community continues to grow

#iamsposaitalia is the first community dedicated to the bridal industry in which creativity, sharing and style frame a privileged showcase for the overarching view offered by Sì Sposaitalia Collezioni.


A space for coming together and sharing, a stage for creativity, and a platform one can identify with, increasingly a vital container of experiences and dialogue, growing day by day.


“When was ever honey made with one bee in a hive??” - this quote from Thomas Hood perfectly expresses the narrative, made of images and words, of a history of style, craftsmanship, Italian values and the opportunity to makes oneself known to the world. A platform that never rests on its laurels, able to eliminate distance by showcasing bride and groom collections, products for the ceremony and accessories in the blink of an eye.


#iamsposaitalia amplifies the vision of Sì Sposaitalia Collezioni in its dialogue with companies, visitors, the media and stakeholders, creating a lively community in which physical and digital channels come together to create a unique platform in which every participant is a protagonist.


Because the secret is always the same: to create a positive feedback loop so that we can all grow together.


Discover the #iamsposaitalia Community