#sisposaontour in the Middle East

#sisposaontour in the Middle East

Beauty, luxury and a dreamlike atmosphere enshrouding everything, from the location to the clothes, the people and, above all, the bride and groom.

Close your eyes and imagine the fairy tale. Beauty, luxury and a dreamlike atmosphere enshrouding everything, from the location to the clothes, the people and, above all, the bride and groom. They are making that fairy tale their most beautiful reality. That’s what happens in the Middle East where, also thanks to huge economic possibilities and a tendency to luxury, weddings are really from a Thousand and One Nights. If it’s true that every ritual has its own peculiarity, especially in the brightness of a territory like the Middle East, it is also true that what is always present and remains unchanged is the care and extreme attention to detail that makes each ceremony an unforgettable experience, a perfect party organised with attention to the smallest detail. A party to be discovered from the voices of those who have the beautiful task of shaping this wonderful moment, namely the buyers and the exhibitors of the community of Sì Sposaitalia Collezioni interviewed for the new stage of #sisposaontour which, on this occasion, stopped in the Middle East. Contessa Fashion, Esposa Group and The Wedding Shop Dubai gave an interesting insight on the importance of the wedding in the culture of their country, something that can be witnessed from the very moment in which the dress is chosen and, in a broader sense, from the way in which these shops are run.


Enclosing in a dress all the magic of a dream and, at the same time, guaranteeing the best satisfaction to the customer is not something to be taken for granted in a reality that every day has to satisfy the most diverse desires and in which the accuracy of the service is the key to absolute excellence, especially in the wedding sector. That’s why the search for brands to be proposed is an essential part of the mission of these boutiques. At Contessa Fashion the starting point is a careful scouting of the trends through the social channels of bridal bloggers and, why not, also the suggestions of future brides and grooms who often propose little-known designers, while at Esposa Group the offer is based on maison de haute couture and on a preference for Italian brands, which have always been their favourite. The Italian and more generally European taste moves the selection of The Wedding Shop Dubai, which boasts a painstaking care in analysing trends and, at the same time, introduces some original models in which they particularly believe. As for Europe, Middle Eastern brides come very prepared to the atelier and it’s important to provide an ad hoc service of consultancy in order to help them unravel the difficult choice of the perfect dress for their "yes day". But what are the most popular styles at the moment? With no doubts Contessa Fashion identifies the traditional textures of satin and Mikado as the ones preferred by the brides to be who, however, do not disdain geometric patterns as well as more romantic models with beads and embroidery decorations. At Esposa, on the other hand, simplicity reigns supreme, which translates into minimalist gowns sometimes embellished with 3D flower decorations, while mermaid dresses (at a reasonable price/quality ratio) are currently the best sellers at The Wedding Shop. As always, what remains unchanged after listening to the words of the people involved is the passion behind those who, for some time now, have decided to dedicate themselves to the newlyweds, helping them realize the most wonderful dream of their lives. A commitment that requires great energy, strong teamwork, emotional involvement of people and the joy of being able to share the feelings of a bride who has finally found the dress to start her new life.  The importance of a human capital that modern technologies cannot replicate, despite their fundamental role during the pandemic and the essential function of online channels to attract customers and increase the visibility of boutiques. However, every contact must always be followed by a face-to-face meeting. Also on this regard, boutiques have no doubts at all. But speaking of the pandemic, how has the wedding market changed? The main difference that stands out compared to the past is an increasing moderation towards the purchase of clothes, with more attention paid to costs and, as they point out from The Wedding Shop, with a tendency for a less noisy style, more suitable for weddings that are now less spectacular than before.


But anything is possible to make this fairy tale come true. A tale that, even in the Middle East, shows no sign of losing its charm.