It's Bit 2021 time!

It's Bit 2021 time!

Sì Sposaitalia Collezioni invites you to BIT Milano Digital Edition: proposals for travelling in Italy and around the world from 12th to 14 May 2021. Experience for all, inspiration for each.

Yes, (start again to) travel! It is not a joke, but a hope that is gradually becoming more certain confirmed with the next edition of Bit 2021. This historic trade fair dedicated to the world of tourism at all angles is renewing its appearance by being presented in a digital version from 9 to 11 May for sector operators and from 12 to 14 May for the travelling public. It is a necessity and opportunity to capture the vitality of the tourism market, ready to start again once the emergency has stabilised.


Sì Sposaitalia Collezioni is well aware of this. It has always intercepted industry stakeholders' sentiments and was a pioneer in offering a rich platform ready to fulfil the desires of its reference community. And it is precisely BIT, with its rich programming schedule, that will focus on offering and showing the wide range of proposals that the sector has made available, supporting the tendency to travel that is innate to man and, if possible, is even stronger today. Destinations far and near and, of course, a focus on Italy, which for some time to come will play a fundamental role in the choices of travellers and as the star of the honeymoons.


This trend, already established in the pre-pandemic period, is now more vital than ever and leads to an even greater appreciation of the undiscovered treasures of our country - from the cities of art to the Mediterranean coastline, not to mention the smaller but equally spectacular locations - especially among newly weds who want to avoid any possibility of risk. It's a short step from the Italian honeymoon to dream destinations and, hopefully, it will soon be even easier: why not let yourself be enchanted by the temptation to discover the secret beaches of Indonesia and the magic of the Australian hinterland, enjoy the breeze of the tropical sea or prefer an adventurous break in the heart of the African continent? A honeymoon in New York accompanied by an on-the-road trip through the streets of the American continent is also timeless, as is the timeless charm of Japan, to be discovered slowly and with curiosity...


The range of proposals is, of course, vast. Among these, Sì Sposaitalia has identified a latent trend that is destined to become established because it is a direct emanation of a conscious, green way of life that, from everyday life, affects the wedding, from the ceremony to the honeymoon, in an environmentally friendly style in which all experiences are in contact with nature and local culture as much as possible. And of course, with little impact on the environment. From the Millennials, who are the most committed in this respect, to the rest of the world, the choice of betting on one's future when saying their vows translates into a commitment to safeguarding the well-being of the planet. This, is without doubt, the most beautiful trip you can take.