Future, fashion, bridal: a question of sustainability

Future, fashion, bridal: a question of sustainability

A constant rise in environmental sensitivity means that the development of an increasingly green consciousness in the Bridal&ceremony segment is only natural and evolutionary. This trend has inspired the #SIGREENBRIDAL project, created at the third edition of Sì White Carpet by SposaItalia Collezioni, involving green fabric and yarn manufacturers and bridal maisons in the creation of eco-sustainable capsules dedicated to the ceremony world. An awareness of the ecosystem is an important competitive asset on future market scenarios, according to the latest survey conducted by Research, Deutsche Bank, and published in the report "What consumers Want", presented at the 24th edition of the Fashion Summit by Pambianco Strategie di Imprese in partnership with Deutsche Bank.


The report carries a message loud and clear: sustainability is an irreversible process, social and environmental responsibilities are increasingly becoming key factors in the perception of brands and their products. This inevitably leads to the redefinition of the very concept of luxury, in which the exclusivity of a garment is increasingly correlated with its sustainable content. For Made in Italy companies, this trend presents a wonderful opportunity, in virtue of their highly sustainable production: craftsmanship seamlessly combined with supply chain traceability, ties with the local area and the protection of workers are all winning factors for the national industry. Such values are increasingly influencing the choices of new consumers, Millenials and Gen Zs, who by 2020 will generate 40% of demand for luxury goods. According to the study, 90% of young consumers are willing to pay a premium price for ethically and sustainably produced fashion items.


The result is highly simple and complex at the same time: as regards the perception of their prestige, each socially responsible brand must take into consideration the requirements of new consumers who are more critical, attentive and informed.  A vision of the future which heralds an important challenge for brands willing to turn sustainability into a driver for growth.


This evolutionary setting is grounded in a necessary, essential, healthy and virtuous relationship with the environment, which Sì Sposaitalia Collezioni is pioneering and interpreting with its project #SIGREENBRIDAL, the show-event which introduces green capsule collections to the catwalk, developed thanks to the shared and innovative vision of bridal maisons and sustainable fabric manufacturers.