How to be the perfect... bridesmaid?

How to be the perfect... bridesmaid?

Figures borrowed from an overseas tradition that have now become permanent ones in European and, more importantly, Italian weddings: the bridesmaids, genuine guardian angels watching over the bride to be.

Figures borrowed from an overseas tradition that have now become permanent ones in European and, more importantly, Italian weddings: the bridesmaids, the bride’s friends and genuine guardian angels watching over the bride to be to satisfy her every need, from organising the wedding to throwing the bouquet. But, putting aside their ‘official’ role for a moment, there is an visual element to attend to. At the very heart of the bridesmaid’s role, always being near the bride, stems the need to aesthetically harmonise with her to render the wedding’s setting even more impactful.


But deciding how the bridesmaids dress, not only trying to satisfy each one’s different tastes and needs, but also trying to respect a series of unwritten rules, can be tricky. Sì Sposaitalia Collezioni offers a few words of advice to avoid any faux pas. Being chosen as a bridesmaid is a task, as wonderful as it is stylistically demanding, which means the outfit for the wedding day needs to be perfect and, above all, chic. A statement that’s always valid: Never overshadow the bride. Accompany her with discretion, contributing and making her wedding unforgettable.


The starting point is bearing in mind what type of wedding is being celebrated, making sure the dresses follow the unifying theme: whether it’s a prevailing colour or a specific style (bohemian rather than traditional), bridesmaids, or flower girls - as young bridesmaids in the UK are called - must keep in line with it. The universal understanding is that all bridesmaids should wear the same dress and the same colours but, despite this tradition, the mismatched bridesmaids trend is becoming more and more popular. This trend has major practical implications as it takes the different body types of each bridesmaid into account, allowing you to emphasise figures without ever embarrassing anyone.


From a colour-coordinating perspective, regardless of all else, a pastel based palette is always preferable - avoiding black and white, naturally - as it perfectly matches the bride's dress and creates a naturally romantic and suave ambiance. One colour for all or different shades for one design?  Other than common sense, there is no set rule to determine the best solution. Sleek, refined lines enveloping the body or elegant allure achieved with minimalist dresses are the guidelines bridesmaid dresses revolve around. What’s important is avoiding dresses that are too tight or aggressive, and focus instead on more catch-all designs that eliminate any possible criticism.  Never a short dress. Yes to long dresses; one-shoulder dresses in light fabrics get the seal of approval, starting from a single design which they can modify slightly. Attention to detail is a must for highlighting the special role of the bridesmaid: it’s a yes to bright jewellery, pretty bags, elegant shoes that match the dress (and are extremely comfortable!), floral details such as corsages that call the bride's bouquet to mind.


The secret is to always harmonise without overdoing it, letting refinement and good taste guide you, avoiding overly flashy outfits and maintaining a magical, elegant ambiance.