Love Craft: when details make all the difference

Love Craft: when details make all the difference

The next edition will feature a new area dedicated to the know-how of companies and artisans who cooperate in the creation of unique clothes.

Sì Sposaitalia Collezioni, a reference point in the bridal sector at the international level is getting ready for its new 2022 edition. It does so by introducing a series of special news and projects designed specifically for the sector’s operators.


LOVE Craft certainly stands out among them: a special area exclusively dedicated to the Italian style and the supply chain that revolves around the bridal world: companies and artisans that contribute to the creation of unique wedding dresses and collections, designed to make that special day truly extraordinary.


From lace and fabric manufacturers to button makers, leather craftsmen and jewellery makers each party of this large and precious supply chain will be on the spotlight in this area to allow for a deeper understanding of what lies behind the creation of a total bridal look.


“Details are very important for the brides – says Jessica Vargas, owner of Definition Bridal (Orlando, Florida) - buttons down a train are always requested, embroidery lace, adding crystals to the matching veils. I will honestly say for me and my brides the fit is the major detail”.


“Although nowadays lot of brides are choosing minimalistic dresses, on the other hand, the more traditional brides love all details, the more, the better...  – adds Nicole Joos, owner of The Dress (Ekeren, Belgium) - Also the combination sells well: dresses with simple chiffon skirts but beautiful lace on the top”.


The idea of the new area is also to contribute to the strengthening of the unique and quality content of the event, showing buyers the excellence and know-how of an all-Italian craftsmanship through the hands-on experience of meeting the small companies involved in such an exceptional storytelling.