First real dress code at 18th birthday

First real dress code at 18th birthday

The dress for the 18th birthday, an interesting opportunity for the market as well: we are witnessing a comeback of this celebration, temporarily stopped for health reasons, but with great potential. A niche to be observed carefully, in which the dress plays a strategic role.

Eighteenth birthday parties, although temporarily suspended due to the health emergency, have become, and hopefully will become again, an important event. Let's forget the debutante's ball, the event that originated in the 18th century in Paris, at Hotel Crillon, emulated in Vienna as the Opernball, a tradition carried on in Italy by the cadets from military schools - the most famous of which were those held at the Reggia di Venaria in Turin, at the Scuola Nunziatelle in Naples, and at the Aquarium in Rome. No white, retro clothes, no over-the-top romanticism, even if the rite of passage into adulthood has not lost its intrinsic meaning. And young people feel this more intensely than ever. “They are always very excited" - says Anna Frascisco, who, inter alia, organised many 18th-birthday events. "They feel important, protagonists, aware of the importance of the moment, and they know that a new season is opening up before them. For the organization of these parties, we look for a location close to the places they attend, such as the school, which can be easily reached by taxi or shuttle bus, no dinner but a buffet, and music is essential, with a DJ.” It is a time of freedom and sharing, celebrating together becomes important. A hangar, a loft, a greenhouse, places that allow a little freedom: to dance, to chat, but also to play. “It's important to organize entertainment, opportunities for aggregation that bring together different groups of young people, that help overcome shyness”- says Elisabetta Cardani, a long-standing party organizer. The dress code is important, both guys and gals take it very seriously. “The guys often opt for a dinner jacket - it's a choice that brings the group together and makes the occasion immediately important, maybe it's a first time. As an alternative, they choose elegant suits, always dark in colour, worn with a white shirt and a long, tight tie, sometimes made less formal by customized trainers. For eighteen-year-olds, the dress is just as important, it is a strategic choice, and they always go for the evening dresses, long or, if short, very elegant and super-accessorized. The colours are full and bold: black, midnight blue, emerald green, ruby red, with sparkling inserts. “I am struck by the great importance they give to the dress, it's almost cinematographic” - says Alessia Santa. “They look for their dress with extreme care, aware of the occasion. They want to be spontaneous, but don’t give in to any minimalism; head up and heels high.


They choose the style, but with an extra “wow effect”.  “Young women like the surprise effect they can get when they show up in the dress of their dreams for the very first time on the evening of the event - never before!” - Luigi Auletta of Impero Couture tells us. So, total confidentiality and exclusive care of the dress they have chosen. This is the right recipe for the success of a party turned into an event.


The focus on the choice of the dress and on the organization of the event starts from the parents “who consider the eighteenth birthday as the first and perhaps most important party for their children and, above all, they do it without any sort of economic or emotional constraint” - says Maurizio Parisi of Atelier in Moda (Foggia). “So 18th birthday parties with their pre- and post-videos hunting for likes and views are welcome.


While 18th birthday parties are in full swing in Italy at the present moment, in Spain the situation follows the same dynamics.


“For many, reaching this age is one of the most exciting and desired moments, so it’s imperative to celebrate it with style and cherish the best memories of this day” - says Sonia Pena. “It's good to know how to enjoy this fantastic day from start to finish.” Because “the 18th birthday party is an important milestone, to be celebrated in a big way and, of course, with an impressive outfit” - says José Ruiz of Carla Ruiz. “This is certainly a very interesting market sector, one that is always on the lookout for new fashion trends.”