Under extraordinary lighting

Under extraordinary lighting

Three days of fashion shows, a challenging and interesting calendar to reveal the trends of next year. The protagonists are the designers, the brands, the garments, but also he who has created a visionary setting, Alessandro Mazzini, focusing the stage entirely on lighting.

Fashion shows are all about emotions, charm, ideas, and stimuli. It is undeniable how much a catwalk can convey the value of a dress; how much it gives it strength. And this year, at Sì Sposaitalia Collezioni the calendar is particularly rich. Big names will take turns in the three days of the event.


The fashion show hall is getting ready to safely accommodate up to 200 people in a space that typically, given its size, would accommodate 500. The curator of this fashion show is Alessandro Mazzini, director and producer who, with its Mazzini Event, handles all the international fashion events and more. “I've always been passionate about bringing collections, concepts, and stories to the stage. It's about getting into the creative process of others every time, understanding it, feeling it and then translating it, bringing it to the highest levels." Modern, epic, passionate, always up to date on new techniques, but also sensitive, he handles the bridal world through a modern approach, without betraying its inherent and natural romanticism.


For this edition, he created architectures made of light, stacks 5-metre high stacks, majestic LED towers that cut through space, redefining it and especially highlighting wedding dresses. Around a black frame, he creates a surprising effect, broken by the walkway on the ground, almost a path that brings us closer, that puts us in contact, that shortens the distance. For the casting, 12 models were chosen, all international and all new entries, almost to promote a new beginning. A perfect organisation, an ideal enclosure available to every single brand that can become personal with each “mood”, soundtrack, gait, accessory and every giant or tiny detail that characterises a collection.