Featuring the new generations of bridal maison

Featuring the new generations of bridal maison

Sì SposaItalia Collezioni asked the young entrepreneurs of some of the country's leading bridal companies what their contribution to the family business is, what the shape of their vision is and, above all, in what direction their contribution will develop.

Family first even and especially in the wedding sector. Because this is increasingly the trend, i.e. favouring a family engagement that brings close relatives into the fold to continue what is, to all intents and purposes, a true tradition. This is a truth that closely applies to the fashion sector as a whole and, in this case, to the bridal industry, whose fashion houses have created a brand, a style, a real DNA, an intangible value in which the contribution of the founders on the one hand and of the progeny on the other is increasingly fundamental for the brand to continue in the wake of its spirit without ever betraying itself or turning into something else.


The fundamental premise is that, in the process of generational change, competence must be valued, in the wake of that culture of merit that has its roots in the value systems of entrepreneurial families themselves, in order to continue the necessary changes leading to the redefinition of new balances that are the result of the mentality of the new generation, whose contribution must enrich the existing one in a process of continuous regeneration.


But in what way? Sì SposaItalia Collezioni asked the young entrepreneurs of some of the country's leading bridal companies what their contribution to the family business is, what the shape of their vision is and, above all, in what direction their contribution will develop.


The starting point has always been the heritage of the values from which the brand was born, which must be protected and modified, taking current trends and, above all, the generational background into account.


The quality of the products, the excellence that characterises the company, the research that brings the collections to life and the nobility of the materials used are essential for Francesca Druetta (22 years old), fashion designer and daughter of Donatella Gallo,  the same name fashion house whose history combines the passion for Made in Italy with the value of tailoring to give life to clothes that can tell in every detail the emotions from which they are born and those of those who choose to wear them. An idea that, according to the designer, must remain true because it is based on the satisfaction of the end customer, who must find something in these proposals that other brands do not have, in a young, fashionable style that exactly reflects the personality of the bride.


A traditional base and an innovative approach, perfectly in line with the needs of the new generations, stemming from "the need to be able to anticipate current trends and needs", as Flaviana Passante Spaccapietra (24 years old), fashion designer and Olympia’s founder daughter, puts it. The aim? Of course, the focus is on girls and young women, who are aware of their femininity and want to enhance their features with the right mix of style and elegance and a healthy dose of eccentricity.


Nicole Cavallo (25 years old), daughter of the stylist Alessandra Rinaudo and fashion designer at Nicole Fashion Group, has a communicative approach that allows her to pay extra attention to social media, in particular Instagram and Tik Tok, the key to interpreting current trends and a source of inspiration, which she uses to create new and captivating content to reach future brides in a direct and spontaneous way.


So how does someone who has always lived on bread and Mikado from an early age enter the family business? A natural landing place but not taken for granted, as demonstrated by the path of Camilla Elena Signore (23 years old) Gino Signore’s daughter and fashion stylist at Maison Signore, a company founded by her parents who found herself almost by chance, thanks to the lockdown, totally immersed in the dreamlike atmosphere of her family business, creating the basis for her future commitment. All this while being very clear about the natural elements of the wedding and, accordingly, the mood of the bride, for whom everything must come to life almost spontaneously, from the ceremony to the dress itself. This is exactly what the young woman is focusing on, as she plans to bring a new concept of the urban bride to the company, where tradition gives way to a greater emphasis on personality and spontaneity. A gradual change, the first taste of which will be seen in the collection to be presented at the next edition of Sì SposaItalia Collezioni.