Love in times of sustainability is... Revealed with the webinar from Sì Sposaitalia Collezioni

Love in times of sustainability is... Revealed with the webinar from Sì Sposaitalia Collezioni

New event with the digital talk dedicated to green trends and business opportunities of sustainable marriage on 1 March from 10.30

Sustainability is increasingly a global lifestyle issue that interconnects environmental, social, economic and human dynamics with a 360-degree approach that translates into all-round respect, for oneself but also for the immediate future. A trend which has become the status quo and which, from being a niche phenomenon, has imposed itself on the wave of generational change, making it one of the flags of its philosophy. And the wedding industry is not just standing by: marriage in the time of sustainability is a reality that involves all parties, from the bride and groom to bridal designers and the companies that make up an increasingly green and traceable supply chain. Once again, Sì Sposaitalia Collezioni has become the spokesperson for a valuable message of awareness for the planet, stimulating reflection on a positive change in the making in which everyone is called upon to make their contribution. A fascinating and multifaceted theme that will be at the heart of the new digital talk during which industry experts and top managers will discuss the main changes taking place in the bridal industry. "Recycle, reuse, repeat: the new wedding mantra. Green trends, business opportunities and success stories for the bridal industry" continues in the wake of Sì Sposaitalia Collezioni's commitment to actively involve all members of its community to share and update on the most topical issues in which they will be able to participate next Tuesday 1 March from 10.30 to 12.00 ... The result? An insight into the current situation and a reflection on how, in a nutshell, sustainability may or may not turn into profit for the wedding industry.

The articulated examination will start with an analysis of the main (and future) market players, the new generations, capable of imposing their conscious vision on every aspect of life, first and foremost marriage, and their all-round ethical and solidarity-based approach will be explored. Starting with the dress, which is the subject of a reflection that will touch on the various green trends that have upcycling as a global phenomenon that bridal designers cannot ignore. It is the new informed consumer awareness that, in a knock-on effect, has an impact on the entire production sector where best practices affect the entire supply chain. An irreversible process destined to become an opportunity for those companies that are able to ride the wave of change and transform it into resource savings, cost reductions, greater investment in technology and, in consequence, communication and green marketing actions.... that make marrying sustainability the best possible choice!


The webinar is in Italian