At last, we're off again!

At last, we're off again!

Sì Sposaitalia Collezioni will take place from 25 to 27 June: after so much anticipation, an important edition, an extraordinary opportunity to turn the lights on the new collections, to meet, to compare notes, taking advantage of the digital experience.

Everything starts up again after more than a year of standstill: Sì Sposaitalia Collezioni will be staged from 25 to 27 June at Fiera Milano, the first ever event dedicated to the sector. A long period of suspended time was behind us, which we had to endure first with amazement, then with impatience, but which certainly served as a pause for reflection and consideration is now behind us. Everyone has reconsidered their business, how to evolve it and how to improve it. There were many moments of sharing, webinars and virtual meetings that not only served to understand what we were experiencing, but also to try to define strategies for the near future.


This period has undoubtedly accelerated certain processes, first and foremost that of digitalisation, but it has also revealed their limits: it is difficult to give the emotion of the catwalk, to conclude purchases only from a distance, without having any close contact either with the product or with someone who knows it in depth, to place orders without looking around, to assess situations with others, to be stimulated.


It will be a new and different edition and it will be important to go on stage, as a symbol of belonging to the sector, because there will be no better stage to present oneself, focusing the attention of the media and buyers on oneself.


Naturally, a programme has been devised that complies with all safety regulations so that people can work in complete serenity.


It will be a 'phygital' edition in which in-person events will be integrated with Sì Sposaitalia's digital platform, in perfect synergy to ensure maximum visibility and results.


It is in moments of transition that we need to pull together and not be dispersed.


Of course, not all buyers will still be able to travel, but personalised services will be provided.  You have to look ahead, at new collections, new trends, new lifestyles, weddings are starting up again at top speed, they have to make up for two years in one!



And there will be no better place. All measures and precautions have been taken to ensure that the event can take place in complete safety and serenity.



Giuliana Parabiago