Bon Ton Pills by Giuliana Parabiago

Bon Ton Pills by Giuliana Parabiago

Guest etiquette


Yes - to always sending an RSVP to the invite

Yes - to arriving 15 minutes early, so as to have time to greet everyone

Yes - to the bride’s relatives sitting on the left of the church or registry office, the groom’s relatives on the right

Yes - to exiting the church or registry office after the bride and groom

Yes - to greeting the bride when exiting, but wait for her to approach before engaging in conversation

Yes - to limiting the use of your mobile

Yes - to wearing a dinner suit if the groom and fathers of the bride and groom are wearing one

Yes - to hats, for women, but only in the morning

Yes - to pastel colours and floral prints

Yes - to keeping kids under control

Yes - to joining in with the entertainment


No - no sexy clothes

No - no dressing in black or white

No - no phoning the bride, for any reason (details of the route etc.) on the day of the wedding itself

No - no changing seats at the table assigned to you

No - no bringing gifts to the ceremony

No - no vulgar outfits

No - no drinking to the point of losing control

No - no untidy parking

No - no excusing yourself during lunch

No - no leaving before the cutting of the cake

No - no taking the flowers at the end of the ceremony unless expressly invited to do so