Why September?

Why September?

We've been through some tough times. We have been personally and professionally hit by an invisible and painful storm. We weren't ready; a lot of things will change, maybe everything, and even fashion will be forced to review its habits and slow down that forward rush that never seemed to decelerate.


Armani spoke clearly, appealing to values such as craftsmanship, tailoring, know-how, passing-on, creativity and tradition. Sì Sposaitalia Collezioni fully recognizes itself in these values as the advocate of a sector interpreting them thoroughly.


A thought to be shared: the bridal segment is certainly much closer to high fashion and to quality ready-to-wear than to fast fashion. And this is why we have chosen to be present and not to cancel the edition: the event (24-27 September) will take place in the middle of Fashion Week (22-28 September), when Milan once again becomes the benchmark for new collections and the centre stage for an international audience.


We owed this to the companies we represent, large but also medium and small: we are convinced to be a reference point for the sector and we want to honour our role, because we believe in the values of quality, craftsmanship and Made in Italy.


Collections can only have the visibility they deserve within an integrated, physical and digital communication plan. Market boundaries are redesigned in times of change: hiding has never brought advantages. Ceremonies have not been cancelled, rather postponed, and will be added up to those planned in 2021.


Planning, looking ahead, starting again and risking, always with a little bit of confidence: these are the magic words, maybe.


Giuliana Parabiago